Drivers Intel HD Graphics VGA pilotes chipset GPU video graphique HD Graphics, HD Graphics 2000, HD Graphics 3000, Intel HD Graphics 4000  serie pour processeur Core i3 - Core i5 - Core i7- Celeron -  Pentium G telecharger gratuit PC OS Windows free download

Drivers Intel HD Graphics


Drivers Intel HD Graphics VGA pilotes chipset GPU video graphique HD Graphics, HD Graphics 2000, HD Graphics 3000, Intel HD Graphics 4000  serie pour processeur Core i3 - Core i5 - Core i7- Celeron -  Pentium G telecharger gratuit PC OS Windows free download

Intel HD Graphics HD Graphics 2000 HD Graphics 3000 drivers VGA chipset GPU

Autre mises à jour

Version Intel HD Graphics Driver Windows 10 - 8 - 7 x64
- Système(s) d'exploitation: Windows 10 x64 , Windows 8 x64 , Windows 8.1 x64 , Windows 7 x64

Information concernant la mise à jour

Mise à jour du 02/01/2018
- Langue: International Intel HD Graphics Driver Windows 10 - 8 - 7 x64 Télécharger la mise à jour 317 Mo


Intel HD Graphics Driver pilote constructeur version pour PC Windows 10 x64 - Windows 8.0 x64 - Windows 8.1 x64 - Windows 7 x64

Nouveautés driver :
Intel® Graphics Control Panel Now Showcases Latest Games

Okami HD* Launch Driver

Check out the updated graphics control panel! It now showcases the latest optimized games for Intel® Graphics.

Calling all Jedi masters and Sith lords! Star Wars Battlefront II* and many other games such as Mass Effect: Andromeda*, Battlefield 1*, Rise of the Tomb Raider*, F1 2016* get improved load times, performance optimizations, and enhanced playability using DirectX 11*.

Enjoy an extreme off-road gaming experience with Spintires: Mudrunner*, create the ultimate soccer club in Football Manager 2018*, play your cards in Hand of Fate 2*,  and immerse yourself in the World of Final Fantasy* on processors with Intel® HD Graphics 620 or better.

Battle for control over the magical vortex while enjoying performance optimizations and playability improvements in Total War: WARHAMMER II*. Put the pedal to the metal while playing Need for Speed Payback*, enter the Lego* universe in Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2*, and enjoy playing Black Mirror* and Seven: The Days Long Gone* on Intel® Iris® Pro Graphics.

This new driver also introduces many other improvements:

- Increased accuracy in reporting Frames Per Second when in Balanced or Power Saving mode

- Significant increase in MSAA performance when using DirectX 12* or Vulkan*

- Enhanced performance in HEVC/H.265 video playback on 7th Gen Intel® Core™ Processors or higher

- Improvements in the Intel® Media SDK (SDK), leading to better encoding quality across dependent media apps such as PowerDirector*, MAGIX*, and others

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