OCZ SSD Utility (Toshiba) logiciel utilitaire de gestion et de mise à jour des SSD OCZ Toshiba

OCZ SSD Utility (Toshiba)


OCZ SSD Utility (Toshiba) logiciel utilitaire de gestion et de mise à jour des SSD OCZ Toshiba

Autre mises à jour


2.3.2773 OCZ SSD Utility
- Système(s) d'exploitation: Windows 10 , Windows 10 x64 , Windows 8 x64 , Windows 8.1 x64 , Windows 8.1 , Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 , Windows Server 2008 R2 , Windows Server 2012 , Windows Server 2012 x64 , Windows Server 2012 R2 , Windows Server 2012 R2 x64

Information concernant la mise à jour

Mise à jour du 19/05/2017
- Langue: International

2.3.2773 OCZ SSD Utility Télécharger la mise à jour 17 Mo


OCZ SSD Utility (Toshiba) logiciel utilitaire de gestion et de mise à jour des SSD OCZ Toshiba version 2.3.2773 pour Windows

Détails des mises à jour :

  • Updated the kernel version for bootable SSD Utility
  • Improvements to translated UI text
  • Updated SMART terminology
  • Benchmark optimisation
  • Fixed upgrade process
Known Issues
  • TL100 Firmware update may fail on Windows® 7 if the Intel® RSTe driver is installed. To work around this, use bootable SSD Utility to perform the update.
  • TL100 benchmark results may degrade if re-run immediately after a previous benchmark. Workaround is to wait a minute or two before re-running the benchmark.
  • On some PCs it is impossible to perform secure-erase: this happens if the PC BIOS issues SECURITY FREEZE LOCK the drive, and does not implement the suspend/resume cycle used to unfreeze it. Workaround is to use the secure erase feature in the BIOS if there is one, otherwise to perform secure erase on another PC.
  • On some laptops with dual Intel® & NVIDIA® graphics, SSD Utility may crash. This can be fixed by updating the Intel & NVIDIA drivers.
  • The mouse cursor is not displayed when using Bootable SSD Utility with a DisplayPort™ connection with a GeForc® 1070. Workaround is to boot in safe mode.
  • Due to a bug in version 2.2.2645, when using the update feature from within the application, the update may fail with a message “Error installing.” Workaround is to download manually the latest version from ocz.com.
  • Developer options (verbose logging, creation of user-specified bootable SSD Utility) enabled by hidden keystrokes are not prohibited and not guaranteed, except where the user is explicitly given instruction by TOSHIBA.


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