Drivers Ati Radeon HD 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Firestream pilote Catalyst

Driver Ati Radeon HD 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Firestream pilote Catalyst


Drivers Ati Radeon HD 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Firestream pilote Catalyst

Ati Radeon HD drivers Catalyst

Autre mises à jour


11.7 WHQL
- Système(s) d'exploitation: Windows XP , Windows XP Media Center Edition

Information concernant la mise à jour

Mise à jour du 27/07/2011
- Langue: Multilanguage

11.7 WHQL Télécharger la mise à jour 50,9 Mo


Ati AMD Radeon HD 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Firestream driver Catalyst version 11.7 WHQL pour Windows XP et XP Media Center Edition.

Description des mises à jour :
Resolved Issues for the Windows 7 Operating System
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst 11.7 software suite for Windows 7. These include:

All issues experienced with mouse cursor lag have been resolved
Resolves system hangs seen in the AMD Catalyst 11.6 driver on specific HDMI and DP displays
Log event (Event ID 62464) issues when playing video content have been resolved
Bluray playback using PowerDVD 10 under High Performance mode no longer randomly displays a blank screen.
Bluray playback using PowerDVD 10 under High Performance mode no longer randomly hangs.
Some Divx format files no longer display video corruption using WinDVD.
AVIVO Video Quality settings are now correctly applied to Flash Video Content.
AMD SteadyVideo is now applied to Home Video clips when using WinDVD 10.
Random screen corruption is no longer displayed when changing desktop themes.
Chequerboard corruption is no longer displayed intermittently when playing DirectX 10 titles in a Crossfire configuration with Eyefinity enabled.
Shogun II now renders the cinematics correctly when run in various Eyefinity configurations.
Video playback now works correctly when Hardware acceleration is enabled with VLC Player version 1.1.9.
Crossfire now functions correctly when playing Hamilton’s Great Adventure.
Video corruption is no longer observed when when using the Forward slider on 720P Divx format video clips using Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center.
PowerDVD now correctly handles 3D Bluray content.
Portal 2 no longer displays flickering on water surface textures with Medium and Low Shader detail settings.
Image stabilization now functions correctly when playing Divx content using Windows Media Player.
Wraparound corruption is no longer displayed intermittently after exiting a 3D application.

Known issues under the Windows 7 operating system
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under the Windows 7 operating system in the latest version of AMD Catalyst. These include:

Star Wars Jedi Knight II / Jedi Academy may randomly crash on launch.
Image rotation might not function correctly in Photoshop CS5.
OpenGL acceleration might not be available in Photoshop CS5.
High GPU speeds might be retained after exiting a 3D application.
Crysis 2 may display random corruption when Crossfire is enabled and run in DirectX 9 mode
Homefront may experience random crashes during gameplay.
Crossfire may not perform as expected when playing Earthsim, Bad Company 2 and Metro 2003 under DirectX 11 mode.

Known Issues under the Windows Vista Operating System
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced under the Windows Vista operating system in the latest version of AMD Catalyst. These include:

PowerDVD may display a blank screen during Bluray playback when Crossfire is enabled.
Doom 3 and Quake 4 may display random screen corruption.
Performing Bezel compensation in certain Eyefinity configurations may cause some bezel groups to not appear.
Windows Aero options may no longer be available after installing the driver.

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